Sinks and washbasins

At Granitos La Campiña, you will find a wide variety of designs and styles of kitchen sinks and basins. We offer countertop, undercountertop, undercounter with stone carved drainer and undercounter with carved drainer options. All of them are made from the strongest and most durable materials on the market, ensuring a long service life.

At Granitos La Campiña, we focus on offering you the best quality in our work on undermount sinks.

Over countertop basins

Sobre encimera 1
Sobre encimera 2
Sobre encimera 3
Sobre encimera 4

Under countertop basins

Bajo encimera 1
Bajo encimera 2
Bajo encimera 3
Bajo encimera 4

Under countertop basins with stone- carved drainboard

Bajo encimera con escurridor tallado 1
Bajo encimera con escurridor tallado 2
Bajo encimera con escurridor tallado 3
Bajo encimera con escurridor tallado 4